Our team is dedicated to helping individuals and families navigate the complex world of U.S. immigration law.

Our team of experienced professionals will guide you through the visa application process and help determine the best option for your needs. Popular visas include:

Family visas:

U.S citizens can access immediate relative visas for certain family members including spouses, children and parents (if the citizen is over 21). As there isn't any yearly limit on these visa numbers, you're free to submit your petition to U.S Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) as needed then apply at a US embassy or consulate abroad too - the entire process usually taking from several months up until one year depending upon individual circumstances plus availability of visas.

Family preference visas:

Certain family members of U.S citizens and permanent residents, such as siblings, adult children, or married children may be eligible to apply for a family preference visa. However, the annual limit on these types of visas means that there are only a certain number available each year. The process starts with submitting an application through the USCIS followed by applying at a U.S embassy or consulate which can take anywhere from several months up to years depending on individual circumstances and availability of visas.

Employment visas:

H-1B visas:

If you possess a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in any field, the H-1B visa could be an option for you. It is designed to accommodate individuals with specialized knowledge and typically requires a college degree or higher. The route to acquire this visa involves receiving employment from an American employer followed by submitting your application - which may take anywhere between several months up until one year depending on individual circumstances as well as availability of visas at that time.

L-1 visas:

If you are employed by an international company and need to transfer to a related organization in the United States, obtaining an L-1 visa is your ticket. You can start the process by filing for approval from USCIS; then it's time to apply at any U.S. embassy or consulate that grants visas--but be aware: this whole ordeal may take several months depending on individual factors and availability of visas themselves.

E visas:

If you are involved in substantial trade between the U.S. and your home country (either as a treaty trader or investor), then an E visa is available to you! The process for obtaining one of these visas may take several months, depending on individual circumstances and availability- but applying at a U.S embassy or consulate will get this process started quickly and efficiently.

Student visas:

F-1 visas: Obtaining an F-1 visa is a lengthy process that can take anywhere from several weeks to months. To apply for one, you must first gain acceptance into an accredited U.S. institution and subsequently submit your application at a local embassy or consulate. Comparatively, M-1 visas are available for individuals who have been accepted into full-time vocational programs in the U.S., permitting them entry with fewer restrictions than the F-1 types of visas require but still maintaining their validity as legal residents in America's borders during the length of their educational program.

M-1 visas: For those attending an accredited University full-time for a vocational or technical program, visas are attainable.

Asylum and refugee visas:

Are you or someone you know fleeing to safety from persecution, violence, or any other form of harm in your home country? Then an asylum Visa and/or refugee visa may be the solution. To obtain such a Visa one must prove they are genuinely fearful for their life due to discrimination based on race, religion, nationality, political opinion or when belonging to a certain social group. Applying for an asylum or refugee visa is a lengthy and intricate process. To ensure the best possible outcome, it's critical to have a knowledgeable immigration attorney at your side throughout the procedure. At Gonzalez P.A., our team has extensive experience in handling these matters, and we are committed to helping you build the strongest case for protection that we can. If you're seeking asylum or refuge status, don't wait - contact us today to arrange a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys!